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The old blog is lame...

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

HaPpY nEw YeAr !i!i


We are about to leave 2009, the most memorable year of our lives...

We share the same sufferings while preparing for PSLE... XD

We got happy together when we went for outings.. =D

We danced happily when graduation day... =)

We even cried together when separating... =(

But now, everything will change... We will go to our separate ways... But the memories of 2009 will still remain in me... 6D people, go to 6D blog everyday and post about your secondary life so that we will know and will keep in contact... Make it like your diary... If you trust it...Don't forget...

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Monday, December 21, 2009

I got the school that will lead me to my future...

It's too sad to be sad.... :(... I have to let go all of my friends and my school and of course my school... I just want to say.... Bye guys, hope you all will a successful people... Maybe we will meet again if there's a chance... When are we hanging out again uh??? I want to watch movie with you all again... :(

Anyway, the school im going dont have Air Riffle !!!!!

Best wishes to all of you!

Remember December! =)

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Thursday, December 17, 2009


I got a lot of friend request from other countries!!! WOOHOOO!!!!!! And they all are farmville experts!!! I asked them for many many present in farmville hehe!!! So happy!!

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Friends??? I don't even think we are friends right now!!!!

"You are the closest friend I have right now..." - BULLSHIT!!!!! I think it's just so good that we go to different schools now! I don't care about you or our friendship!!! I feel like cutting the photo!!!! URGGHHHH!!!! You are just jealous that I'm better than you, so you're trying to act smarter!!! Hell YEA!!! Stupid asshole!!! I'm no mood to talk with you or even see your face anymore!!!

ps. Nobody's perfect...

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Far (with anger)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

My brother's prank... hehe

There's one night, my brother pranked a girl... schoolmate i think... hehe... We (me, my sister and my brother) were listening to the radion (MJ12).... The DJ played ghost sounds like "Pontianak" then my brother called that girl at around 12 midnight.... He didnt speak a word but only put the phone near the radio...Then the girl picked the phone then... "AAAAHHHHH!!!!!" then she hunged up.... hehe.... We three laughed like mad.... haha!!!!

Last night, he tried a gain.... But it didnt work.... haha.... lucky that girl's mother didnt picked up the phone....

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Monday, December 14, 2009

My Grandma's house....

Nothing much... I walked, I walked and I walked and then I reached my Grandma's house.... Then, I met my cousins... They were cheerful as always... We watched "Ali Baba" lol! then, we play, then we watch a movie, then we play then they went home... too bad... then me and my sisters eat... then we went home... left my grandma all alone.... my aunts are on vacation so she left alone that time... sad... haha

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My microwave was burnt!!!

I was eating in my kitchen with my mother and sister... We talked a lot... Then, my mother on the microwave, she thought that she already put the Tupperware of rice inside but she haven't.... We all noticed that... I asked my mother, " Ibu panaskan ape?" ("What are you heating up") Then suddenly..... BbbbZZzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!! The inside part is burnt a little! and the light inside on and off.... I was like WHOA!!! Then my mother ran like mad to off the switch.... Now, I got no microwave.... waiting for my father to buy a new one... haiz....

ps. Anyone wants to donate a microwave to me here?!?! lolz...

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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Darren's party

It was one of the most borring party I've ever been to!!!!!!
I wasted my money on his stupid present!!! GGGGRRRRR!!!!
BTW, It's not the worst... Look on the bright side, I love the cake!!!!

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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Going or Not Going???

I don't know if I'm gong to Darren's Party or not... I also have to make time for the "Cousin Sleepover"... haha... Some more, he's chinese... Is the food halal??? If I'm not going, I'm sorry....

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Friday, December 4, 2009

Hey People!

This is my new blog!!! So forget about the old one... =)

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Who's the sexiest guy in 6D ( requested)